Create Engaging Presentations Using Copilot

Streamline Presentations with Copilot

In this session, you’ll explore how Microsoft 365 Copilot transforms how leaders create presentations in PowerPoint. Whether delivering a project update to the board, preparing a high-stakes sales pitch, or presenting complex data to stakeholders, Copilot automates the process—from generating content to designing slides—allowing you to focus on delivering your message with impact.

By the end of this session, you’ll streamline your presentation creation process and discover how to leverage Copilot in PowerPoint to save time, improve consistency, and boost the overall quality of your presentations.

Let’s get started and see how Copilot can help you communicate more effectively as a leader!

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Why Automate Presentations with Copilot

Leaders often need to focus on both the message and the delivery of presentations, which can be overwhelming under time constraints. Writing key points, ensuring slide design aligns with brand identity, and making data visually engaging all require attention. Copilot simplifies this process by automating content generation and design, freeing you to focus on crafting the strategic message.

Key Benefits of Automating with Copilot:

  • Save Time: Copilot reduces the hours spent manually building presentations, giving you more time to focus on high-level thinking and communication.
  • Consistency: Ensures your presentations are polished and aligned with your organization’s brand, maintaining professional standards.
  • Engagement: Copilot enhances visual appeal through automated design suggestions, helping your audience stay engaged and focused on the key message.

With Copilot, you’re not just creating presentations faster—you’re ensuring they reflect your leadership and vision.

Building Your Leadership Playbook

Your Leadership Playbook is your strategic guide for using Copilot to automate key leadership tasks, and presentations are no exception. Documenting your workflow for automating presentations ensures you can replicate the process for future projects, maintaining efficiency and impact.

Example Playbook Entry:

Task: Automating a quarterly sales report presentation.

  1. Generate Slide Content: Use Copilot to auto-populate slides with key metrics, visuals, and talking points.
  2. Enhance Design: Allow Copilot to recommend design elements like color schemes and fonts that align with your company’s brand.
  3. Finalize: Review the AI-generated slides and make any final tweaks to ensure strategic alignment.

Recording these steps in your Leadership Playbook ensures that each presentation you create is consistent and saves time, while always aligning with your leadership goals.

How Copilot Enhances Leadership-Level Presentation Creation

Leaders must focus on high-impact communication. Copilot takes on the laborious tasks of generating slides and designing presentations, leaving you to focus on the content’s message and strategy.

1. Automating Slide Content Creation

One of the most time-consuming aspects of presentation building is drafting content for each slide. Copilot takes this off your plate by generating slides based on your input, such as project goals, metrics, and summaries.

“Copilot, create a project update presentation with slides for project goals, milestones, and outcomes.”

Copilot will take your input and generate a structured presentation in seconds, allowing you to focus on refining the message rather than building the entire slide deck manually.

2. AI-Enhanced Design Suggestions

Presentation design is crucial to maintaining audience engagement. Copilot ensures your presentation looks professional by suggesting layouts, color schemes, and fonts that match your organization's branding.

“Copilot, recommend a color palette and layout that matches our company branding.”

These suggestions ensure your presentations look professional, polished, and visually engaging without spending hours tinkering with design choices.

3. Generating Visual Representations of Data

When presenting data-heavy insights, visual clarity is key. Copilot can turn complex data into easily digestible charts, graphs, and infographics, ensuring your audience grasps the information quickly and accurately.

“Copilot, summarize quarterly sales performance and generate visual representations of key metrics.”

By automating this process, Copilot saves you from manually creating visual aids, giving you more time to focus on analyzing the data itself.

Playbook Contribution: Leadership Presentation Workflow

Now that you understand how Copilot streamlines presentations, document the steps in your Leadership Playbook. Choose a presentation type you frequently create—such as project updates, quarterly reviews, or strategic pitches—and outline how Copilot helps you from start to finish.

Playbook Entry Example

Task: Automating a quarterly business review presentation.

  • Generate Content: Use Copilot to create slides with titles, bullet points, and visual data summaries.
  • Design Enhancements: Apply Copilot’s design recommendations for layouts, colors, and fonts that reflect your brand.
  • Finalize: Review the AI-generated presentation and make final adjustments to ensure alignment with your leadership objectives.

By documenting this process, you’ll ensure efficiency in future presentations and consistency across your leadership communications.

Activity: Create a Presentation Using Copilot

It’s time to put what you’ve learned into action. Follow these steps to create a real-world presentation using Copilot in PowerPoint:


  • Start with an Outline: Choose a presentation topic (e.g., quarterly business review) and input an outline into Copilot.
  • Refine the Content: Let Copilot draft bullet points, summaries, and visuals for each slide.
    Example: Copilot can summarize financial performance and generate charts for revenue trends.
  • Apply AI-Driven Design Enhancements: Allow Copilot to suggest design improvements to ensure a professional, cohesive look.
  • Document the Process in Your Playbook: Reflect on how Copilot improved your workflow and record the steps for future use.

Reflect on Copilot’s Impact on Your Presentation Workflow

After completing your presentation, take a few moments to reflect on how Copilot streamlined the process. Consider the following:

  • How did Copilot simplify slide creation?
  • How did Copilot’s design suggestions enhance the visual appeal?
  • How did Copilot improve the clarity and impact of your message?

Document these insights in your Productivity Playbook so you can continue refining and optimizing your presentation process.

Check Your Understanding

Before moving on to the next session, let’s ensure you’ve grasped the key concepts of Copilot for Powerpoint. Complete the following questions:

Deliver Leadership-Grade Presentations Faster with Copilot

Congratulations! You’ve now explored how Microsoft 365 Copilot can automate both the content and design aspects of creating presentations in PowerPoint. By leveraging Copilot’s AI-driven features, you can produce professional, high-impact presentations faster and with less effort.

Add these strategies to your Leadership Playbook to ensure your presentations are always of the highest quality and aligned with your strategic objectives. Next up, we’ll dive into how Copilot can help optimize your communication in Outlook, ensuring you stay on top of essential correspondence effortlessly. Stay tuned!

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